Monthly Review: August 2017


Last month's review. All monthly reviews.

What went well this month

  • Launched custom tracking for Exist.
  • Moved house.

August goals

Only one goal this month because we moved house so there was a lot to focus on.

✔️ 4 blog posts

Focus habit for August


I cycled a little more in the first half of the month but when we moved house I really started to get my bike out multiple times a week. I've been exploring our new area and finding mostly off-road routes to get to various places. I'm really lucky to have a bike path right outside my house that goes directly to the nearest train station as well as through nearby parks and around lakes full of wildlife.

August books and media




Goals for September

Focus habit for September


I'd like to aim for 3 workouts per week throughout September. I'll be tracking these in Exist with our new custom tracking feature.

This review will be featured in the next edition of The Monthly Review. If you like to read monthly reviews, sign up for the newsletter to get a collection of personal reviews in your inbox every month. If you write your own reviews, sign up to participate and share your reviews and your process with others.